About the artist

As a child Charlotte spent a lot of time in nature observing everything from plants, animals and bugs. Many times she brought her sketchbook or camera and completely lost track of time. This fascination has always stayed with her and now she is combining her passion with her artistic talent creating wondrous artwork inspired by nature and animals.
One graphite drawing can take several months to complete as she puts in a lot of detail. First she makes a lot of small quick sketches in nature or at her desk and choses one of them as her main inspiration. Continues with placing the major outlines on a paper and somewhere in the image she puts a note of isolated color. And finally she works on the piece with her special crayons of many different kinds.
Since 1999 she has been offering her artwork and interior decoration.These products have gained great popularity and we now sell our products in over 400 shops and museums stores mostly in Europe. To see our full product line you are welcome to visit our boutique in Old Town Stockholm.